In Memoriam – Dr. N. Mahalingam

On a Gandhi Jayanti day, October 2nd 2014, Pollachi lost its Son of Soil, Arutchelvar, Dr. N. Mahalingam at the age of 91. His demise was followed by tributes from various organizations, media houses and public at large, honoring the timeless ideas of this great visionary.

At “The Pollachi Papyrus”, we honor and salute his extraordinary contributions to the well-being of our society. One such contribution being, Pollachi”s public park- The Roundana in Mahalingapuram. It”s where most Pollachians gather for a fresh start to the day and wind-up healthy at the end of the day. Today, the park stands as one of the great hallmarks of democracy in a less-connected, social media world, serving as a hub of social interaction among people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Inaugurated in the year 1960, the park gradually fostered important social changes in public behavior that ensured the sanctity of public space in Pollachi at large. The best online casino park enhances the quality of life for all its citizens once again defining the measurement of a great municipality that Pollachi is.


The landmark of Pollachi that it is, also laid the foundation for the recreation movement in the town, as the middle and working class mingled in these spaces. This multiple-use park was designed for both active and passive recreation – a vision that could only have been conceived by a radical reformer.


A pragmatist that he is, he not only understood that the creation of a great public space would improve public health and contribute towards the formation of a civil society, but made it a reality while he was still living.While his soul rests in peace, his timeless ideas and visions will continue to live-on through the threads of social fabric, woven by his magnificent soul. It will never fade away but will remain etched in the lives of the local citizens who go to the park every morning and evening.




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An enthusiast at heart, Pravin considers himself a Nature lover, dreamer and God's child. Through The Pollachi Papyrus, he aspires to offer a platform where like-minded travel enthusiasts can come together, collaborate and contribute towards efficiently documenting and creatively publishing the richness of the bio-cultural diversity, the land of Pollachi and the Anamalais hosts!

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