The drive into the gates of Dvara Siruvani goes past the Mudanthurai check dam. When the river flows generously, the cascading waters at the small check dam are arresting. Almost as if on cue, the cameras come out, eager to capture the images of the gushing waters. The force of the water against the grey wall is in sharp contrast to the gaily attired village folk, washing their clothes in a nonchalant manner, as it pools below.

On entering into the Dvara compound, the large expanse of still waters is what the eyes are drawn to straight away. The built-up structures of the property are aligned in such a manner that the vision is never compromised from viewing the stunning sights which nature has to offer. The imposing Western Ghats loom majestically in the background and are impossible to ignore. The river which strolls past and seems to rest at places adds to the timeless beauty of the tall peaks.
The front office is where guests are greeted and told, for the first time to mind the head as one enters the beautiful, low doorway. This is where one gets an understanding of the décor which is subtle yet decorative. Traditional artefacts, antiques, and local materials are put together to complement each other. The table and chairs placed in a slanted position allow the guest to take note of the beautifully maintained vintage Dindigul safe.

Sensing the interest, a staff member immediately steps forward, all smiles, to open it out and allow for a full display of the inside containing small drawer-like compartments with several sets of keys. Apparently it took an entire’s day of heavy duty lifting to get this beauty inside. Urns used in Chettinad for storing pickle are also part of the movable décor in this room. These were unearthed from antique stores where the owners had parted with ‘some’ of their wares. The family initials which are inscribed are clearly visible on the top surface.
As the path meanders forward, a tall naval pazham or black plum tree, planted by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam during his visit here is highlighted. A most treasured memory indeed. At the entrance to the lawn which opens out into a line of rooms on both sides, is a tiled roof; like an open foyer of sorts. The view from underneath that roof is breathtaking. The open expanse of the space with pale yellow walls and pillars in the background seem shrouded in mist descending from lofty heights with the lush vegetation all around. It’s almost as if the clouds enjoyed gathering closer around the resort.
The rooms are fitted with intricately fashioned ornate wooden doors and door frames that are individually unique in craftsmanship and design. From elephants and mythological beings to flowers and god figurines, these magnificent doors are an ode to the talent of craftspersons from another era in time.

To add to that period, these doors are flanked by pillars and wide thinnai, which makes for a comfortable space to sit and relax on. The thinnai is such a unique part of the traditional architecture of homes in TamilNadu and it’s been depicted beautifully at Dvara. The significance of bowing the head is attached to being humble. The doors like the ones at Dvara were fashioned to be shorter than the average height of people so as to allow for humility to be a constant trait in the demeanor of a person when crossing a doorway. The joining of palms at the chest level is also significant in paying salutations to the divine in each one of us. All these nuances pertaining to cultured living are integrated into the Dvara experience.
The rooms are a visual treat. Just the sight of it makes the guest feel pampered. With plunge pools overlooking the waterfront and sit-outs meant for mindless relaxation, the rooms are sanctuaries for the soul.
On the opposite side of the lawn, the rooms are fitted with old wooden swings with tile inlay, perfect for cozying up with a good book or even to just gaze up at the space left vacant near the swing to form a connection with the outdoors. Natural drawstring blinds are rolled up and kept ready to form a partition to shield the sun’s rays when necessary. The colourful niches in the walls hold many objects of art, sourced and collected conscientiously.
The Pathamadai paai has been framed giving the craftsmanship the respect it deserves. All through the various rooms of the property, other crafts like mural painting, needlepoint, stoneware, brass, and enamelware have been put together in a manner where it makes for eye-catching décor but also celebrates the talent of our craftspersons in this part of the country.
A separate wing, to the left of the main entrance, is where the Aarogyam Spa is housed. Friendly massage therapists offer a whole range of treatments for face, hair, and body. Their foot massages are said to be especially therapeutic for anyone looking for quick rejuvenation. The herb garden is also a must-see when visiting Dvara because it has a mix of ancient medicinal plants as well as the more familiar variety. This area is also home to white miniature goats. These gentle pets are a huge source of fascination, especially for the little guests.
The resort’s proximity to the village allows for various activities around the area. Dvara helps support the needs of the village children at the primary school nearby by providing basic amenities. Guests are welcome to visit and interact with the lively little ones who are quite eager to show off their recitation skills.
A visit to a small flower garden, owned by Dvara is also a lovely experience. Guests have the option of enjoying a beverage of choice while sitting on an authentic kaithu kattil while soaking in the view. A village walk, around the resort, is also a chance to get a feel of the land and the many interesting sights along the way.

Where else does one get to take pictures of a shy goat herder completely occupied with tending to her flock?! Just when you think that your vision is filled with so much beauty, turn a corner and get ready to be mesmerized all over again. From stunning local flowers to native trees like the banana and coconut, the fields throw up a whole array of interesting colors and textures. These farmlands showcase agriculture at it’s versatile best.

But wait, the visit has not ended without a pow-wow with the man who has supposedly escaped death at the trunk of a tusker and has lived to tell its tale in vivid technicolor glory! The staff accompanying the guests are equally enthusiastic and make these activities memorable.
The indoor recreation room has also a quaint bar unit and movie posters of famous icons from Tamil cinema. The resort does offer to organize on request a demo or one-on-one class for learning the art of tying garlands by hand and fashioning intricate designs for the floor using rice flour.

With so much to see, explore and participate in, do not forget to take the time to put your feet up and listen to the sounds of nature. Because at Dvara, all the elements seem completely in sync and in no hurry to be anyplace else but in the present, happily serenading the guest to the harmonious vibes.
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